Why reading is important?

2 min readAug 29, 2020


Why reading is important?

A person can fetch a lot from reading. Reading is ideally one of the best exercises for our minds. Just like — for a healthy body, one needs proper nutrition and a balanced diet, good reading is important for a healthy mind. Reading is a good source of rejuvenation for our minds.

Why reading is important? by writora
Why reading is important?

Below are some of the amazing benefits that reading can give us.

1. Helps in building focus and concentration

We are living in the world of social media where a plethora of information can be found online. But one thing which we lack here is the focus. We simply waste most of our time surfing, chatting, shopping, unnecessary videos, etc.

Normally we look for 5% useful things and end up wasting our time in 95% unnecessary stuff. And all this is because the online world is so tempting and once you get into it, it drags you deep inside.

And Here reading comes to our rescue. Reading books is one of the constructive habits which improves our concentration power and focus. It compels us to live in the moment and concentrate without any intermediate distraction.

2. Improves vocabulary, language command, and communication skills

Reading adds depth to our knowledge base. Reading improves vocabulary. Whenever we read a new word, we try to find its meaning and keep it in mind for later use. Word used in different contexts gives a better understanding of its usage.

Reading helps to strengthen our command over the language. Our sentence formation becomes quick, better, and qualitative. We rarely get stuck for lack of words.

Once we have a richer vocabulary and controlled command over the language, our communication skills automatically become better.

3. Develops creativity and imagination power

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